Quotes – April 2023

The Bible is either a deliberate imposture, manufactured by wicked men; or it is the product of deluded visionaries, who vainly imagined they were giving forth inspired messages from heaven; or else it is what it claims to be: an infallible and authoritative revelation from God Himself to the sons of men.A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952) Also quotes by A. W. Tozer, John Owen and others.


Quotes – March 2023

Never forget that there is a huge difference between religion and Christianity. Christianity is a supernatural revelation that leads to a personal relationship with God IN Christ. Mary Haigh – Also quotes by others.


Quotes – February 2023

Consider how many have resisted the truth of the Sovereignty of God because that would make men robots without ‘free will,’ and yet, they have no problem in accepting a man-made chip placed into their brains, thus, making them ‘robots’ without ‘free will,’ and subject to the will of man and not to the will of God. Where is the common sense of that type of senseless thinking.Mary HaighAlso quotes by A. W. Tozer, C.H. Spurgeon and others. 


Quotes -January 2023 –

God prepared a Supernatural body, a Supernatural soul, and Supernatural Spirit and THIS would also give Christ according to the book of Hebrews Chapter 9 and Acts 20:28 a Supernatural blood. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.Michael Haigh – Also quotes by A. W. Pink, C. H. Spurgeon and others.


Quotes – December 2022

The glory revealed in the transfiguration was the supernatural Christ in His supernatural glory. And He has set before us His supernatural Word, He has opened a supernatural door, and He is keeping it open by His supernatural power. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by John Owen, A. W. Tozer and others.


Quotes – November 2022

The Spirit of Christ within every believer has the RIGHT to judge for it is part of the Comforter’s works to judge this present evil world, and to discern between the false works of Satan and the righteous works of God in Jesus Christ. Michael Haigh. Also quotes by Tozer, Owen, Pink and others.