Quotes- July 2024 –

The Bible is the most exciting, energizing and engrossing book ever! No human, no finite mind, could have ever conceived its unity of thought that transcends time and space and eternity. – Mary Haigh. Also quotes by John Owen, A.W. Tozer and others. 


Quotes – May 2024 –

The Bible is a SUPERNATURAL BOOK written by a SUPERNATURAL BEING, about a SUPERNATURAL BEING and delivered, maintained and preserved by SUPERNATURAL BEING. Mary Haigh – Also quotes by John Owen, A. W. Tozer and others. 


Quotes – January 2024

The young and immature (regardless of age) LOVE anything of the virtual realm. They love to pretend. They crave the world of imagination because they cannot deal with reality for TRUTH hurts their feelings. TRUTH to virtual lovers is anything that they wish TRUTH to be. Mary Haigh – Also quotes by A. W. Tozer, C. H. Macintosh and others.


Quotes – December 2023 –

It is the word of God that divides the unbelievers from the true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the word of God that divides false professors from true possessors. It is the word of God that stands the test of time and eternity because He, the Lord of glory, who holds the truth IS both Grace and Truth. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by A. W. Tozer, C. H. Macintosh and others.