The Law of First Mention
What is The Law of First Mention?
Biblical Principles
Although the Bible is a Supernatural book it is not a book locked in mystery. It has unchanging and absolute principles presented in a way that all can understand.
Inside The Word
The Bible can be proven to be authored and written by THE SUPERNATURAL GOD . . . all you have to do is make the effort to open the BOOK . . . but be forewarned . . . do not take lightly that GOD is REAL, for He is not passive . . .
Quotes – September 2020
Christ became the smallest part of life to be the power of an endless life. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by A.W. Tozer, Charles J. Rolls, and others.
Quotes – August 2020 . . .
The whole body is a miniature world of wonders, a mass of minute and intricate marvels of which Christ is the Originator, Designer, and Creator. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown) – Also quotes by Sir Robert Anderson and others.
Quotes – July 2020
A person who can smile when things go wrong has found someone to blame it on. – Proverb source unknown – Also quotes by Sir Robert Anderson, C. J. Rolls and others
Quotes – June 2020
The glory revealed in the transfiguration was the supernatural Christ in His supernatural glory. He has set before us His supernatural Word, He has opened a supernatural door, and He is keeping it open by His supernatural power. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by many others . . .
Quotes – May 2020
The whole body is a miniature world of wonders, a mass of minute and intricate marvels of which Christ is the Originator, Designer and Creator. – Charles Rolls – (1856 – unknown) – Also quotes by others . . .
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Quotes – April 2020
The more I interact with the unsaved, the helplessly lost, those who are blinded by the overstimulation of corrupt visual propaganda, and made deaf by a frenzied cacophony of lies, the more I pity them for their lack of serenity and unawareness of self and of God. Always searching, always unsettled, always willing to believe the next lie, when Truth, Grace and Peace is so close at hand — waiting to be picked up and read — in a Supernatural Book, written by a Supernatural Author, about a Supernatural Man from a Supernatural God. – Mary Haigh – and quotes by many others.
As the Truth Turns
The greatest adventure and journey is available to you, but it is Supernatural. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO CANNOT READ CURSIVE . . . HERE IT IS IN BLOCK LETTERS (sarcasm) – The greatest adventure and journey is available to you, but it is Supernatural.
Endless Life
An endless life is not a dream, nor wishful imagination, but it is based on a reality that has been deliberately hidden behind many masks, and disguised as something that only an advanced scientific society can achieve. Where, when and how did mankind first yearn for an endless life?
Quotes – March 2020
Re: Christ the Lion of Judah: No force flourishes that He cannot frustrate; there is no might He cannot master, no strength He cannot subdue, and no power exists over which He cannot prevail. Charles J. Rolls – Also quotes by others . . .
Quotes – February 2020
Lean liberty is better than fat slavery. – Proverb source unknownm – Also other quotes . . .