The Supernatural Body

Every man dies because of sin, the issue at hand is not whether or not sin is committed, but that sin is within mankind. Sin has a residence in man. Man is controlled by sin, and not the law of God. It is not action that defines sin, but sin is defined because it resides in all men.


Quotes – June 2022

That God has placed before His redeemed children a vast world of spiritual treasures and that they refuse or neglect to claim it may easily turn out to be the second greatest tragedy in the history of the moral creation, the first and greatest being the fall of man.A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963) – Also quotes by C. H. Spurgeon, John Owen, and others.


Quotes – May 2022

The reason why many historical and statistical, and prophetic portions of Scripture seem to us unimportant and even unnecessary, is because we do not sufficiently live in the whole circle of Divine ideas and purposes. Adolph Saphir – Also quotes by C. H. Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer and others.


Quotes – March 2020

The glory revealed in the transfiguration was the supernatural Christ in His supernatural glory. He has set before us His supernatural Word; He has opened a supernatural door, and He is keeping it open by His supernatural power.Michael Haigh – Also quotes by C. H. Macintosh, A.W. Tozer, and others.


Quotes – November 2021

Re: The Supernatural New Birth: First, the new birth is a divine work of God . . . . all things become new.  (2nd Corinthians 5:17) Secondly, in the new birth we receive the Spirit of Christ, we are joined to God in ONE Spirit, the Spirit of His beloved Son. (1st Corinthians 6:17) Thirdly, in the new birth there is the moving and indwelling of God’s Spirit within the child of God.  (Romans 8:9) This relationship of the Spirit of Christ cannot be broken. It cannot be diminished. It cannot be shut off. It is a supernatural part of the new birth in Jesus Christ, and because of the supernatural origin, these verses are too often ignored today. – Michael Haigh


Quotes – October 2021

The Church: It is not the material building, it is this supernatural structure of the souls of men that God is building in heaven to be gathered around Himself, to be changed into the image of their Savior, to be like Him in heavenly moral character, and to spend all eternity with Him. Michael Haigh . Also quotes by A. W. Tozer, C. H. Macintosh, Charles J. Rolls and others.