Quotes – June 2024 –

June 2024

Satan is the master of imagery and imagination. God is the Master of creation and reality. – Michael Haigh

It is comparatively easy to flock around a standard raised by a vigorous hand; but it is a totally different thing to stand, in personal energy, in the actual battle. Nought but genuine faith can do this. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

The Old Testament is foundational, and the New Testament is fulfillment. There are those who only follow the Old Testament and there are those who only follow the New Testament; however, these two testaments witness of the ONE who is both the foundation and the fulfillment of all truth, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator, the WORD, the BODILY of the GODHEAD. – Mary Haigh

History is stained by man’s vanity. – Michael Haigh

One of the greatest privileges the believer has, both in this world and for eternity, is to behold the glory of Christ. – John Owen (1616 – 1683)

. . . . when souls are occupied with experience whether it be in connection with holiness, power for service, or spiritual attainment — they always have something before them less than the purpose of God. – C. A. Coates (1862 – 1945)

People readily accept whatever their church or religion tells them to think without delving into God’s written word to prove the validity of church doctrine believing that it is God who needs validation NOT their religion. – Mary Haigh

Do not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know. – Chinese proverb

To receive your position in heaven, first one must kneel on earth. – Michael Haigh

The ancient books and the new books, the book of Israel and the book of the Church, have exactly the same structure. No twins could be more alike in figure and in feature. – J. N. Darby (1800 – 1882)

Prophecy is the spiritual substance of light transforming shadows of darkness past to visions of reality future. – Mary Haigh

The more that we exercise the eyes of faith, the more evidence is revealed of the UNSEEN. – Michael Haigh

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. – Chinese proverb

Christ is man’s highest source of wisdom and knowledge – Michael Haigh

. . . and I have remarked in my experiences that the servant (of God) who refused to receive support from anyone except the Holy Spirit, the only One competent to bear witness of Christ in heaven, was largely compensated by the knowledge of heavenly things. – J. B. Stoney (1814-1895)

Since the Holy Spirit can reach into both realms and into time and timelessness at the same time, His words are pure perfection to our understanding, and it is through His revelation to us that we are led to understand things beyond our understanding. – Mary Haigh

In order to apprehend the mind of Christ we need to close our minds to the things of the world. The best mind to have when delving into the word of God is a closed mind. Yes, you read that correctly, the triumphant mind is a closed mind. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind . . . (1st Peter 1:13) Protecting your mind spiritually is a constant challenge requiring battle awareness of the elimination fields of distraction and prideful imaginations. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2nd Corinthians 10:5) – Mary Haigh

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

Smooth words have sharp edges. With one edge it cuts the truth. With the other edge it cuts realty and replaces it with lies and fantasy. – Michael Haigh

Man loves to play imagination: he imagines that world peace can be established by evil warring politicians, and he imagines that peace between man and man will finally be realized when every person becomes equal economically (in poverty), equal intellectually (in stupidity), equal socially (in slavery), and when all will equally worship themselves as gods. – Mary Haigh

The blood has been put upon your ear, and upon your head, and upon your foot. Nothing must be let into your ear or done by the hand or foot that is not fit for the blood of Christ – J. N. Darby (1800 – 1882)

Tyranny doesn’t own a mirror. – Michael Haigh

God is inscrutable; man is shallow. God is deep. Dive as we may we shall never fathom the mysterious plan or exhaust the boundless wisdom of the all-comprehending mind of the Lord. We stand by the fathomless sea of divine wisdom and exclaim with holy awe, ‘O divine depth. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

The glory revealed in the transfiguration was the supernatural Christ in His supernatural glory. He has set before us His supernatural Word, He has opened a supernatural door, and He is keeping it open by His supernatural power. – Michael Haigh


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