Quotes – March 2024 –

March 2024

When evil possesses a nation, it masks itself with words and symbolisms of truth, but beneath the forked tongue is the father of lies. – Michael Haigh

Instead of man’s great aim being to please God, ministering to self has become his prime business. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

Without faith it is impossible to please God, but not all faith pleases God. – A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963)

Never forget that every person HAS an inheritance, it is either everlasting LIFE or everlasting DEATH. – Mary Haigh

If there is a rich man in the area three villages are ruined. – South Korean proverb

Man considers faithfulness to God as bondage when faithfulness to God is a blessing. – Michael Haigh

It is not enough that we believe, we must believe the right thing about THE RIGHT ONE. – A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963)

Many hide themselves in religion not to receive the peace of God, but to have peace with man. Religion never looks for peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, religion is to soothe the conscience, but it is a weak counterfeit for there is no peace of God or peace with God because religion is only filthy garments worn by self-righteous imitators of truth. – Michael Haigh

Both Israel and the Church failed their assigned positions. Israel became worshipers of the Law instead of the Lawgiver. The Church became worshipers of the Church instead of worshiping the HEAD of all things: the Lord Jesus Christ the Creator God. – Mary Haigh

Neither worldliness nor self-indulgence can find any protection beneath the wings of the Gospel. The unvarying truth, binding on all who claim to be His is, “Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2nd Timothy 2:19) – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

True faith commits us to obedience. That dreamy, sentimental faith which ignores the judgments of God against us and listens to the affirmations of the soul is as deadly as cyanide. – A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963)

It is our presence in heaven that gives us the power in the gospel on the earth. – Michael Haigh

The Church is a place of refuge for the Christian it is NOT based on an open border policy. – Michael Haigh

Remember, even monkeys fall out of trees. – South Korean proverb

The Church itself has robbed GOD. It robbed God of His position and His place in His own house. – Mary Haigh

Christ did more than proclaim the Truth. He became the embodiment of it. He did more than utter the will of God; He was the personal exemplification of it. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

It is often said that “we, as a nation have lost our compass”; however, could it be that we, as a nation, haven’t lost our compass? WE SOLD OUR COMPASS. WE THREW OUR COMPASS AWAY. This nation willingly and eagerly CAST OFF the CORDS and BONDS that held us together. – Michael Haigh

The Holy Spirit of God uses shadows of the invisible to reveal the truths within the visible. – Mary Haigh

Much of this present order is destined to be dissolved (2nd Peter 3:11), but the new creation abides forever (Revelation 21:5). Christ is the Establisher of celestial realms; He inaugurated paradise, with its delights. He is Head of the angelic hosts and the hierarchies of heaven. He designated the stability of a durable dominion and an everlasting kingdom. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)

The very existence of Israel is evidence that there is a God. The very existence of Israel is an insult to Lucifer/Satan that he failed to stop God’s program and plan. The very existence of Israel is a slap in the face to the haters of God; this is why the haters of God are foaming at their mouths as rabid dogs furiously attempting to annihilate any evidence of the power of God to sustain and maintain His people. It is NOT because Israel is righteous, IT IS NOT, but GOD IS. – Mary Haigh

Re: What is grace? “The Gospel is not good advice, but Good News. It does not speak of what man is to do but tells what Christ has done. It is not sent to good men, but to bad. Grace, then, is something that is worthy of God.” – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

True Christianity can no longer be recognized by the world as Christianity. In fact, very few can even define what true Christianity is. – Mary Haigh
  Christianity is about CHRIST. Christianity is a REVELATION (from God), it is REGENERATION (by the Spirit of Christ) and it is a personal RELATIONSHIP (with God IN Christ). Christianity is NOT based on a PLACE but on a PERSON.Mary Haigh

Cross even a stone bridge after you’ve tested it. – South Korean proverb

Re: The Vastness of the Glory of God. “If we examine the vaster things we must admit that the whole earth is full of His glory, whether this glory be reflected from the sublimity of the sky which is so measureless, the splendor of the stars which are so countless, the shining of the sun which is so exhaustless, the spaciousness of the heavens which are so trackless, the surging of the ocean which is so ceaseless, the spectrum of light which is so matchless, the springs of fountains which are so traceless, the superiority of the mountains which are so ageless or the fragrance of the flowers which are so taintless. These few features in themselves introduce a range of wonders that are indescribable.”  – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)



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