Quotes – October 2024 –

October 2024

The whole premise of the CIA and the IC (Intelligence Community) is NOT to gather intelligence but to control and OVERTHROW YOUR intelligence. – Michael Haigh

Nothing is too great, and nothing is too small to commit into the hands of the Lord. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

It is only in times of great and grievous dullness that the believer regards prayer as a duty, and not as a privilege. – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891)

The species of man is consumed with the nature of self, to find himself, to know more about himself, and to glorify himself. It is this inherent need to become a god that has led man to become the main tool in the greater conflict between Lucifer and God. – Mary HaighFor God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:5)

The work of the gospel MUST be done with all patience . . . patience in prayer, patience in the work of the Lord, patience in being rejected by the world, and patience, sadly, to those who call themselves our brethren and REJECT us because of our love of the truth. – Michael Haigh

There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

Mankind continues to mock God. They take the purple from Him by their words that Christ is NOT GOD, that He was merely a man, a descendant of Adam; this is taking the purple from him. This battle of taking the purple from Him began at the beginning of the Church Age. Church councils argued over these issues: was Christ God AND man, or was Christ God OR man, or was Christ THE GodMan. How you reply to this question from the Lord Jesus Christ determines your present and future existence, But whom say ye that I am?Mary Haigh

AI doesn’t come close to the knowledge and intelligence of a man of God, for the man of God can see that which IS UNSEEN, and the INVISIBLE things of God. – Michael Haigh

You will never glory in God till first of all God has killed your glorying in yourself. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

The term ‘Holy Spirit’ is the FULNESS of the Spirit of God. The term ‘Holy Ghost; is the personality of that Spirit manifesting Himself to man in signs, wonders and gifts of the Holy Ghost. – Michael Haigh

That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

Many erroneously believe that the news industry is a bastion for truth; however, it is a fortification formed to protect Marxist and depraved zealots against truth. – Mary Haigh

The true nature of man is clearly taught in Christ’s own words. If man is a physical being only, he could be sustained by physical sustenance, but the Word of God declares he cannot be sustained by bread alone, nor can be satisfied by material things. This proves that man has capabilities and faculties that are spiritual. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)

Growing in grace is a deepening realization of our nothingness; it is a heartfelt recognition that we are not worthy of the least of God’s mercies. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

The work of the Holy Spirit of God is to create a NEW being for heaven with a NEW heart, a NEW soul, and a NEW spirit. ALL things become new. He prepares us to be a temple of God, and only by preparing us by a new creation can the Lord Jesus take up residence within us. – Michael Haigh

The gospel is not an announcement that God has relaxed his justice or lowered the standard of His holiness. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

Sometimes, we think that we have grown up spiritually only to learn a new lesson of our own lack through our failures. Failure is truly a hard teacher. It is so demanding that we find that our only resource is to cry out to God. Failure is a mirror of the condition of one’s soul. – Michael Haigh

We need to be reminded, in days like the present, that every child of God, every member of the body of Christ, whatever be his position or sphere of action, has a mission to fulfil — a work to do for Christ. He may not be called to be an evangelist, a pastor, or a teacher: but he is called to live Christ — to represent Him — to be a channel of communication between His loving heart and every form of need, in this poor dark, cold, selfish world. This is the Christian’s mission: may every Christian seek to fulfil it! – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

Although Nebuchadnezzar was not the first globalist, he understood that a victorious military can conquer a nation, but to destroy that nation it has to be from within; thus, intermingling peoples from other nations from diverse cultures and religions unwilling and unable to assimilate removes national patriotism, weakens family ties by mixed marriages, dilutes rights based on citizenship and land ownership, fractures a unified populace, and dissolves the strength of communication in a common language. Does this not speak of the betrayal and treachery of our own government today? CLICK HERE to be safely redirected to the complete article. – Michael Haigh 

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

The work of salvation was finished on the cross of Calvary. When the Lord Jesus declared, ‘it is finished,’ it was the past convulsions of man, and his evil; it was the present evil that was crucifying Him; and it was the future evil that would be destroyed by Him. All this was completed in the words, ‘it is finished.’ – Michael Haigh


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