Who Are the Supernatural Beings?

 This  article is an excerpt taken from an article titled 

Jehoshaphat – Part 16 – O Jerusalem


Who are the supernatural beings?

   Not only did Athaliah establish Baal worship in Jerusalem, but she assassinated all the seed royal except one. She condemned and persecuted those who followed Jehovah, and made Jerusalem a dark city. God has never chosen a queen to rule over His people Israel. The phrase ‘queen of heaven’ is only found in Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17, 18, 19, 25, and it is a description of the total apostasy and idolatrous worship of a rebellious nation. The example of Jezebel, Athaliah, and the scarlet woman of Babylon are all examples of evil rule. God only has eyes for one King, He is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, and His name is Jesus Christ. He is the God of heaven, and He is a supernatural Being. Man loves to believe that he is capable of understanding the supernatural, but it is impossible for man who is an earthly being, and not a heavenly being to understand the supernatural work of God. There is only one qualification to the understanding of the supernatural and that is — one must be born again by the Holy Spirit. Being born again means becoming a supernatural being in Jesus Christ. Faith is given by a supernatural act of a supernatural God. It is supernatural faith that leads to supernatural grace, and that comes and is acquired by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. His resurrection is to give us supernatural life. The world through its games and fantasies tries to display a knowledge of the supernatural, but they are void of any understanding. All their fantasies are lies and misdirection. If one knows nothing of the supernatural God, how then can anyone understand the supernatural realm that belongs to God? When the Lord Jesus comes to reign over His Jerusalem, the world will feel His wrath by His supernatural judgment. We live in a day of grace, but one day, grace will come to its end.

© Copyright 2016, Michael Haigh

Article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.

All Scripture references are from the King James Bible. (KJV)

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