Quotes – January 2020

The word ‘revelation’ is not reasoning. It is REVEALING. Revelation reveals the supernatural by the Spirit of the divine nature. Only then can we expect and know the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by others.


Quotes – October 2019

We who have passed from death to life are a supernatural creation, new beings, neither of man, nor of angels, but new beings called Christians. And the One who has created us supernaturally is keeping us supernaturally because He IS The Supernatural God. Michael Haigh  Also quotes by J. N. Darby, Arthur Pink, Sir Robert Anderson and many others.


Quotes – September 2019

Such words as father, son, bride, bridegroom, priest, king, and the like were not borrowed from their present sphere of usage among mankind, but existed in celestial relationships before the world was. Charles J. Rolls

Also read quotes by many others . . .


Psalm 11

There is no place to hide . . . everyone outside of the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot run far enough, and cannot hide . . . because the God of the supernatural realm sees all . . . 


Quotes – August 2019

A  supernatural book can only be kept by a supernatural power. This supernatural power is the power of the Godhead bodily. This is the power of God to maintain and keep the purity of His own Word.  – Michael Haigh

Also many other quotes by C. H. Macintosh, John Owens, A. Pink, and others.


Quotes – June 2019

Adam had a choice at the tree, he could remain a supernatural being created by God, or he could return to dust. For sin brought forth death, and death returned Adam to dust. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by Sir Robert Anderson, Charles J. Rolls, J. N. Darby and others . . .


Quotes – May 2019

Re: The New Birth: The new birth . . . goes infinitely deeper than coming forward to take some popular evangelist by the hand, signing a pledge-card, or joining the church. The new birth is a miracle, the result of a supernatural operation of God. It is radical, revolutionary, lasting.A. W. Pink – Other quotes by Sir Robert Anderson, R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday and others.