Quotes – August 2019

Quotes – August 2019

Little do the rank and file even of God’s people realize what it costs a minister of the Gospel to be faithful to his calling. – A. Pink (1886 – 1952)

Man tries to hide the truth. Man tries to deny the truth; however, little does man know about the Truth. – Michael Haigh

The evil in Christendom is, that men who do not believe in Christ profess to imitate Him, and men who do not imitate Christ profess to be believers. – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891)

‘Follow me’ is not delivered to congregations, but to the individual Christian. – Sir Robert Anderson (1841 – 1918)

Satan is the master of imagery and imagination. God is the Master of creation and reality. – Michael Haigh

Re: The Godhead bodily — “It is all of God. God the Father drew the plan, God the Son laid the foundation, and God the Holy Spirit raises the superstructure.” – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

It would be foolishness on man’s part if man believed that God could not MAINTAIN and KEEP the purity of His own Word when in fact, the Living Word spoke the worlds into existence. The One who named the stars has a record of divine power and authority over His own creation which includes the written Word of God. – Michael Haigh

It is not merely going to the Bible to find doctrine there, or to have our opinions or views confirmed; it is very much more than this; it is going to the Bible for the staple commodity of life — the life — the life of a new man; it is going there for food, for light, for guidance, for comfort, for authority, for strength — for all . . . that the soul can possibly need. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

By learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn. Latin Proverb

The heathen outside the pale of Christendom form gods of wood and stone, while millions of heathen inside Christendom manufacture a god out of their carnal minds. A. Pink (1886 – 1952)

Christian life does not consist in the observance of certain rules, commandments, or traditions of men. It is a divine reality. It is Christ in the heart . . . it is the new man. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

He who is God, can no more be not God, than he who is not God, can be God. – John Owens (1616 – 1683)

By the sacrifice of HIMSELF, the Son of God, confirmed ALL the Old Testament sacrifices that they were shadows of Himself which He fulfilled on Calvary’s cross. – Michael Haigh

The man of God must be prepared to be misinterpreted and to stand alone. –   A. Pink (1886 – 1952)

It is evident that the commencement of Christian life is absolutely impossible without some knowledge of self. To seek pardon, we must know our sin; to pray for renewal, we must know the evil of our hearts. – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891)

A half-truth is a whole lie.- Jewish Proverb

The law of carnal commandments was not given until Moses, however, the law of sin and death was given BEFORE the fall of Adam. – Michael Haigh

Many say that there is ‘some good’ within all; however, if there is ‘some good’ then there must be ‘some evil.’ It has never been the measure of ‘some good’ that God speaks of, but His measure of evil that determines God’s condemnation and judgment against mankind. – Mary Haigh

If you want your eggs hatched, sit on them yourself. – Haitian proverb

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